Kurun Najwa

25 perkara tentang kami


Kami telah di tag oleh Mommy Icha dan Mama Kembar3
'Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tagged the person who tagged you. If I tag you, its because i want to know more about you.'

kami mahu tag
si gajah, si arnab, si musang, si harimau, si kucing, si tikus, si kuda, si rusa, si keldai, si ular, si unta, si singa, si kura-kura, si kambing, si lembu, si kerbau, si bangau, si puyuh, si katak, si jebon, si ayam, si itik, si burung, si semut dan si siput.. kerana mereka ini adalah kawan-kawan wonderpets.. heheheee..weeeee..


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